Friday, September 9, 2011

Big and Little Problems

           Today we had our Big's and Little's reunion at school. What that is is that all the Big's get together with the new kid that comes to our school. That's why they are called little's. When I was new I was a little. Today was my first time being a Big and my only time. Sadly to say my little didn't show up, so lucky me was bored helping out the teacher and things. Well needless to say I think more schools should have a program like this. It is actually a lot of fun. The program includes fieldtrips that only participating members can be a part of. That alone I think is great.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

45 Notecards and A Thesis

My school is pretty awesome but I have to admit they make us do lots of pointless busy work. I mean we started a research paper in the first week of school and we havent even started the paper yet in the third week of school because we had to do our research and write it on notecards. What is worst is we have to use MLA format because it is required. All this really is is busy work. Well hopefuly someone puts a thinking cap on and says "Hey what we are doing to these kids is not helping them in any way!" That's called wishful thinking folks and that's all for today.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Couch Potato's

Wow my first blog was kind of depressing for my first time. It should have been fun and exciting. Oh! And my dad is taking us out to the park!!!!!! Sad but true. I love the park though. It is great, free entertainment and excercise. To all those who like vegetating get out of the house and do something for  once. We sit at home wondering why the U.S has such a problem with obesity yet we won't even take a step out of the living room. Don't get me wrong I love being a couch potato but I also love being active. If you are having trouble losing weight I bet you ten dollars (not really) that if you were to regularly do some sort of physical activity then you would lose some weight. Accept the challenge and you will be happy you did.                        Over and out.

Good Ole Days

        Have you ever wondered why things are so tough? Have you ever wondered why the weather gets more extreme everyday? Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and have not been happy with what you found? I for one am pretty sure many have said yes to at least one of these. I dont have the answers to anything really but I do like to ponder once in a while what would my life be like if one small thing was changed in the past. Would I even exist? One thing for sure is I used to miss what it was like to be young. Funny thought though because relatively speaking I'm not old. Yet life hits you hard many times which makes life seem long and short lived at the same time.